If you don't have rights to create a database on your SQL Server you should have an empty database created by someone that does have rights before this installation begins. This database can be named whatever you want, but the name ReleaseManager might be the most appropriate.
Similarly, if you don't have rights to create objects on the database you can have the scripts created by someone that does have rights. There are 2 SQL files that are installed in the web application's Admin directory when you installed the web application. ReleaseManager2000.sql is for SQL Server 2000 and ReleaseManager2005.sql is for SQL Server 2005 or greater. So you would have the person with the correct rights apply these scripts to your new database, followed by the script Data.sql found in the same directory.
Neither of these steps are needed if you do have the appropriate rights on the database.
Login to the server where you want to install the Release Manager web application with an account that has administrator rights. This should the server where you have Subversion installed so the Release Manager can access Subversion using the FILE (i.e. file://) protocal, if not make sure you can access your Subversion repository from that server even if it is using the HTTP protocal, .
From the web site www.DigitalTools.com create an account and purchase licenses or select a 30 day trial. A link to the Release Manager installer will be sent to the email account that you used when you created your account.
Start the installer and follow the instructions until you get to the window below. Here you can override the default name of the web site that you are installing. This will be part of the URL like http://localhost/ReleaseManager or http://ServerName/ReleaseManager, where "ReleaseManager" is your virtual directory that you are defining in the window below.
Once the install has completed it should open your browser and place you in the Release Manager. If not, you can browse to the web site using your browser. The URL will be named something like http://localhost/ReleaseManager or http://ServerName/ReleaseManager or whatever you specified as your virtual directory name in the previous step.
When you first start the Release Manager web application it will detect that the database needs to be setup and you will be taken to a wizard that will walk you through creating the connection string, creating the database, and then applying the create scripts.
When setting up the connection string you can you can select "Trusted Connection" or use a SQL Server User account. This will be the account that the web application will use to connect to SQL Server.
Once you click "Test Connection" and it is successful, it will determin if the database that you specified in the connection string exists or not. If not, you will be promted to create it. If you don't have rights to create the database you can have it created before hand.
Once you have tested a connection that is successful you will see a "Commit" button. This will save the connection string to the application's Web.Config file.
You will then be prompted to create your own account. This account will be used to finish the remainder of the installation.
You will then be prompted to apply the database object creation scripts.
When it is finished you will be presented with a button "Go To Licenses." Clicking this will take you to the licensing page. At this point your account has been automatically setup as the administrator. You can change this later if you want.